Work of Providing & Fixing of Automatic Bunker Choke Up Removal System of Coal Bunkers, Work of Bottom Ash Hopper Internal/external Repairs During Short Shutdown of Unit
3, 4&5, Cleaning of Cooling Tower Pond No. 5a During Overhual Shutdown of Unit No. 5 Coh at Stage- Ii, Servicing and Repair of Load Hangers & Supports of Critical Pipe Lines, Small Pipe Lines and Ducting of 210 Mw U
5 Boiler During Annual Overhual, Work of Evacuaton of Ash From Boiler Penthouse, Countant Chamber, Foghouse By Vacuum Process Units- 5 During Aoh, Work Contract for Repair/ Reconditioning of Worm Fear Hub and Bowl Hub of Coal Mill Xrp- 763. at Nasik,Maharashtra,India
Classified in :
#Pipeline Project
#Cleaning Work
#Cooling Towers
#Civil Work