
TID : 75761329 Dept Tender Number : tender_number Tender Type :Buy

Purchase of Tower Material & Substation Structure Material as per specification against Tender no. ACE(P&C)/I/E-3012/Tower & Structure Material/ 2024-25 for the year 2024-25, Purchase of 66 KV Class, D/C & M/C G.I. Tower, materials suitable for, ACSR Panther Conductor, with Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 132 KV Class, D/ C G.I. Tower materials, suitable for ACSR, Panther Conductor with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 220 KV Class, D/ C G.I. Tower materials, suitable for Zebra, Conductor with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 11 KV Class, Substation Structure, materials suitable with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 66 KV Class, Substation Structure, materials suitable with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 132 KV Class, Substation Structure, materials suitable with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications., Purchase of 220 KV Class, Substation Structure, materials suitable with, Fabrication &, Galvanizing; including, supply of steel and, brought out items like, Bolt-nuts, washers, , accessories as per, technical specifications.etc, at Baroda,Gujarat,India

Key Values
Worth : ₹ 1694092000.0
EMD : Refer Document
Doc Fees : ₹ 11800.0
Key Date
Due on : 21-Sep-2024
Days to go : -22 Days
Opening on : Refer Document
Published on : 31-Aug-2024
Key Location
Location : Baroda,Gujarat,India
Address : mobile