The object of this procedure is the state concession of the private use of the space assigned to a supermarket in the scope of the municipal market La Sínia, which is located at Carrer Roger de Flor, 31, Les Roquetes, Sant Pere de banks, the concession confers the right to the economic exploitation of the mentioned space and determines the obligation to co-manage the collective commercial establishment of the market itself; all this in the terms indicated in the following sections and/or clauses, and without prejudice to the rest of the rights and obligations that derive from the status of holder of the concession. at Spain
Classified in :
#Business Consultancy
Key Values
Worth | : | € 700000.0 |
EMD | : | Refer Document |
Doc Fees | : | Refer Document |
Key Date
Due on | : | 16-Sep-2024 |
Days to go | : | -55 Days |
Opening on | : | Refer Document |
Published on | : | 07-Aug-2024 |
Key Location
Location | : | Spain |
Address | : |