Sewer Collecting system and Sewage Treatment Plants based on Open Technology including operation & maintenance of entire system for 7 [Seven] years including 3 [Three] years defect liability period at Ekta nagar, District: Narmada, Gujarat.
Design, supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of Sewer Collection Network, associated Gravity & Rising Main system, Pumping Stations, Pumping Machinery works and other ancillary works along with Design, supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant of 6.00 MLD capacity at Ekta nagar, based on Open Technology with Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) with all civil, electrical, mechanical, piping and instrumentation works with three months trial run and post completion operation & maintenance of entire system for 7 [Seven] years including 3 [Three] years defect liability period at Ekta Nagar, at Narmada,Gujarat,India