Tender Detail with Corrigendum

Corrigendum - 3 Published On : 22/01/2021
Corrigendum Details :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Type :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Document : Available Corrigendum Document For Download
Corrigendum - 2 Published On : 22/01/2021
Corrigendum Details :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Type :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Document : Available Corrigendum Document For Download
Corrigendum - 1 Published On : 22/01/2021
Corrigendum Details :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Type :Amendment No-1 Change of Online Submission Date
Corrigendum Document : Available Corrigendum Document For Download
Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Ref. Number : 42400815 Tender Number : 442521 Tender Prod. No : 442521
Requirement : Construction of 2 nos pump room,rcc hglr 1.00 lac liter cap,pumping machinary-3 nos, providing supplying lowering laying rising and distribution pipe line, typical house connection & painting latters of different size for shiyal water supply scheme ta. district mahisagar

Key Values

Tender Estimated Cost : Rs. 4,532,615
Closing Date : 4/02/2021
Document Sale To : 21/01/2021
Location : Gujarat - India

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