Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Ref. Number : 51955093 Tender Number : RSE2223GSOB00959 Tender Prod. No : RSE2223GSOB00959
Requirement : Supply of science lab items microscope, test tube stand, sphygmomanometer, sthethoscope, dissecting tray, test tube, cover slips, beaker, measuring cylinder, funnel, thermomter, tetis ts, ovary ts, liver ts, blastula ts, skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, unstrained muscles, ts of bone, cartilage, epithelim tissue, nervous tissue, cell division mitosis set, cell divisison mitosis set, entamoebahistolitica, plasmodium, sperozoite plasmodium, trophozoite plasmodium, hydra wm, spirogyra wm, ulothrix wm, funeria, ts of monocot leaf, discot leaf, monocot stem, discot stem, monocot root,ethyl alcohol, filter paper, sprit, chlorine water, copper metal turning, calcium oxychloride or calclumhypochloride, potassium odide, soidium acetate, sodium sulphide fluy, zinc metal granular powder, chromato graphy paper, zinc powder, copper sulphate, dropper, wire, funnel, glass tube, filter paper, cork borer, pastel and mostars, cylinder, bottle, dcc wire, drawing boards, sonometer, resonacne appratus, rubber pad, resistance box, rheostat, zinc rod, induction coil, pn junction diode, zenor diode, parellogram law app, beekar, watch glass, rectangular glass plate, glass slab, amoeba, dissected frog anatomy, eye, ear, brain, human skeleton. hemophilia pedigree analysis, colour blindness pedigree analysis, excretory system of human , respiratory system of human, circulatory system of human, reproductive system, endocrine system, animal tissue, plant tissue, monocot leaf, dicot leaf, monocot stem, dicot stem, monocot root, dicot root, digestive system of human, life cycle of angiosperm plants,, sicyon, tape worm, liver fluke, ascaris, earthworm, leech, scorpion, silk worm life cycle, cancer, centipede, pila, unio, octopus, fish, labeo, scoliodon, rana tigrina, hyla, draco, bat, hydrilla, valisnaria, cycas, pinus, fern, monocot leaf, dicot leaf, filter paper, ph paper, saffranine, eosin, glycerin, methyl, fast green, xylem, formalin, chloroform, acetocormine, benedict solution, felling solution, potassium and sodium hydroxide, sudan, picric acid, ethyl alcohol, canada balsam, starch powder, sucrose, cobalt chloride, iodine solution, boric acid, potassium chloride, blood testing kit, spirt,acetone, napthol, aceticacid, ammonium hydroxide, chloride, thloyanate, oxalate monohydrax, ferroud sulphate, carbonate powder, hepta molybdate tetrahydrate, sulphide, chloride, barium carbonate, chloride, calcium hydroxide, chlorine water, choper chloride, copper metal turning, cadmium oxychloride or caclumhypochloride, cadmium carbonate, chromium carbonate, hydro chloric acid, iodine crystals, iron metal powder, lead chromate, lead acetate, litmus sul, molisch reagent, methanol, magnesium metal coil, methyl orange ph indicator, magnesium carbonate basis light, magnese dioxide, magnesium nitrate, mercuric chloride, magnesium sulphate heptahydrate,magnesium nitrate, chloride, m dinitro benzene, ethanol, ethyl acetate, ferroud sulphide broken sticks, ferrous sulphate, fehling sol, glycerine or glyeerol amhydrous, cerricammonim nitrate, dextrose anhydrous, diethy ether, diemthyl glyoxime, sodium sulphate anhydrous, stannous chloride chelende dehydrate, starch, silver nitrate, sodiym nitroprusside, sodium metal, sodium phosphate disodium hydrogen or tetraphosphate, schiffs reagent, sulphuric acid concentrate, dinitrophenyl hydrazene, nitric acid, nessceres reagent, oxalic acid, phenol crystals, potassium ferrocyanide, permagnate, carbonate anhydrous, phenolpthilin indicator, potassium sulphate, chromate, odide, sodium acetate, carbonate anhydrous, hydroxide pellets, bicarbonate, stroncium carbonate, sodium sulphate, sulphide fluy, titan, zinc metal granular powder, zinc chloriode, actetate dehydrate, zinc nitrate hexahydrate, potassium nitrate, iodate, stronsium nitarte, silica gel, chlorofom, chromato graphy paper, acetone for chromato graphy, methanol for chromatography, zinc powder, copper sulphate,bekaer, flask, dropper, glass, platinum wire, wire gauge, crucible tong, clamp, boss heads, tripod stand, dish, burner, pipettes, burette, test tube, funnel, test tube holder, spatula, sprit lamp, wash bottles, reagent bottle, dropping bottles, glass tube, fusion tube, centrifuge machine, filter paper, water bath, cork borer, pastel and mostars, weiging machine, cylinder, condenser, separating funnel, gas genertaor, thermometer, pipette stand, vernier calipers, screw gauge, spherometer, dcc wire, resistance wire, copper calorimeter, drawing board, pin, pendulum bob, stocp clock, watch, thermometer, sonometer, meter scale, bridge, potentiometer, resonacne appratus, tuning fork, rubber pad, stand with clamp, plug key, resistnace box, rheostat, zinc rod, laclanche cell, daniel cell, porous pot, cell box, ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer, induction coil, bar magnet, milliamemeter, optical bench, junction diode, transistor charoctostic app, zenor diode, lens holder, resistor capacitor, compass, slottes, inclind planes, hooks law apparatus, digital multimeter, parellogram law apparatus, battery elimantor.

Key Values

Tender Estimated Cost : INR 714,888
Closing Date : 17/08/2022
Location : Rajasthan - India

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