Construction of In-stream Storage Structures at Kukedmal Across River Tel of State of Odisha Including Hydro-mechanical Works, Power Connectivity Works, Road Connectivity, Staff Quarters Including Survey, Investigation, Planning, Design and Estimate of All Components with Operation and Maintenance of the Project for a Period of Five Years Or Five Flood Seasons Whichever is More After Successful Commissioning of the Project.
Const. of ISS at Kukedmal acrs River Tel of State of Odisha incld. Hydmech. Pwr, Road Conty, Stf.Qtr incld. Suvy, Invst. Plng, Dgn. and Est. of all Compnt. wth O and M of the proj for a 5 Yrs or 5 Flood Sesn whichevr is mor aftr commsn.of the Proj #*. Const. of ISS at Kukedmal acrs River Tel of
Architectural Consultancy Tenders, Building Tenders, Consultancy Service Tenders, Mechanical Equipment Tenders, Structure Work Tenders, Survey Work Tenders, Transmission Line Tenders